Dried Banana Slices are actually unsweetened but it’s really healthy food especially for snacks whenever you are out of home with your friends or family members.
Bananas - rich source of potassium, effective for goiters cures, fight off infections and viruses.
They contain vitamins B6 and C, potassium, and dietary fiber. They also have more digestible carbohydrates than other fruit, calories from which the body burns off more quickly and easily than from protein or fat.
Dried Banana Slices can make in chunks, round slices or long slices. Just fry them in in coconut oil to eat them with crunchy sounds.
So, let’s start from the following instructions –
4 to 6 Ripe bananas (ensure that your bananas are not overripe)
Baking or cookie trays
Lemon or citrus juice
Chip slicer or knife
Spray oil
How you will prepare it? –
First you need to peel your bananas. Using a knife or chip slicer, slice your bananas into 1/4 inch thick slices.
Spray your baking or cookie trays with oil to prevent the banana slices from sticking to the trays.
Preheat the oven to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or set your dehydrator to 105 degrees
Put the banana slices onto the baking tray in a single layer making sure to not let the pieces touch.
Sprinkle the slices with lemon or citrus juice to prevent them from browning once dried.
Place the baking tray in the oven or dehydrator for about 12 to 14 hours.
If you are using an oven, be sure to leave the oven door open to allow excess moisture to escape.
After 6 hours turn the slices and continue baking.
Once the banana pieces are dry, remove them from the oven and allow to cool before storing them.